The Daddy Do-Over

In the year of 2019, so many people are getting into plastic surgery. While women have been famous for going under the needle for years, men have recently moved into the territory. Just as women go through the physical changes that life brings, men experience the same thing. We are going to talk about the rise of the “Daddy Do-Over” and much of an impact it has made.
While majority of the clientele for plastic surgeons tend to be women, they are seeing more and more men coming in to have similar procedures. They are seeing the unpleasant aging results and wanting to make a change in their appearance. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons that since 2000 men receiving plastic surgery has grown by almost 30%. Meaning that more and more men are trying are making the personal decision to get plastic surgery. Many men feel that there should be a more open dialog about males going under the needle.
Many men feel that they would never get the results they want through diet and exercise, and making the personal decision to get plastic surgery. In 2018, there were more than 200,000 surgical procedure performed on men. Over 52,000 of those surgeries where rhinoplasty, making it the most popular. The second most popular for them is eyelid surgery and third being liposuction, which is up 5%. With more procedures being on the rise it makes since that men are wanting to jump on the plastic surgery train.
Similar to women, men are wanting to feel confident in their own skin. Whatever their reason, men are consulting their doctors more and more about getting plastic surgery. It will be interesting to see how long the trend continues for men to want this change. As for right now, the trend continues to rise and men everywhere are getting “Daddy Do-Overs.”